Sunday, 15 June 2014

Know Java before Opting for Enterprise Java Services

Java web application development
Along with the conventional application, Java is nowadays also being used for creating enterprise, mobile and Cloud apps. So developers have to rely on Java Enterprise Services to deliver rich user experience. In a multi-tiered environment, the components of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) can be installed on several client systems. However, the features of these J2EE components are completely different from standard Java program features. Further, a developer needs to use the Java Enterprise APIs to support a variety of network services and distributed computing technologies. So each developer must be familiar with the use of different Java APIs to use those as a building block to create robust enterprise applications.

Widely Used Java Enterprise APIs that Each Developer Needs to Know

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): The Java Enterprise API is used by developers to work with relational database systems. But the API is independent of other vendor-specific APIs defined by specific database systems. Along with sending SQL query and update statement to the server, JDBC further allows the application to retrieve and iterate the results send by the server. Further, it provides Meta information related to the database and its tables. A custom driver needs to be implemented to make the application communicate with individual database server products.

Remote Method Invocation (RMI): As a programming model, RMI provides a high-level approach to distributed client-server computing. An enterprise application can use RMI to communicate with the server by invoking methods on objects that reside on the server. But the methods can be invoked by using the syntax for invoking local methods. Despite being comprehensive, the Java RMI implementation is both simple and easy-to-use. But it requires both client and server to be implemented using Java.

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Distributed Objects: The CORBA-based solution is used to invoke remote methods when the client and server are not implemented in Java. CORBA is also used as a standard by the packages and sub-packages of Java 2 platform in the org.omg.CORBA. The interface for CORBA objects are further described by the Interface Description Language (IDL) that is independent of both language and platform. A developer can also use Java implementations of the CORBA standard launched by Sun and other vendors.

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI): The Java Enterprise API makes it easier for developer to work with networked directory and naming services. They can use the API to access name servers and directory servers, and look for data or objects base on their names or a set of specific attribute values. However, JNDI is not specific to any specific name or directory server protocol. As a generic API, JNDI can be used with a wide variety of name or directory servers.

Java Message Service (JMS): Most developers use the Java Enterprise API to work with networked messaging services. The API further allows them to write message-oriented middleware (MOM). However, message, in context of JMS, refers to a chunk of data that is transferred from one system to another. So the programmers can use messages as event notifications readable across systems. However, the JMS is a vendor-specific messaging service. So the developers have to install a JMS provider according to their message servers.

Java Transaction API (JTA): Normally, the distributed transactions make distributed enterprise systems more complex and complicated. The Java Transaction API is designed to help programmers in managing distributed transactions efficiently. As it works seamlessly with transaction services, it becomes easier for programmers to define individual Java bindings for each standard XA API for distributed transactions. Thus, the enterprise application can use the specific service to coordinate between different distributed transactions.

The individual as well as enterprise developers rely on API-based access to Enterprise Java data and services. These APIs further make it easier for the developers to build mobile and Cloud applications. So it becomes essential for programmers to understand how to manage these API processes efficiently. You can get in touch with a Java web application development companies who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide java web development services. If you would like to hire offshore java developers for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

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